Code of conduct

This policy is a living document and subject to refinement and updates in the future. Last updated on 25 September 2019.

JSTalks Bulgaria is a friendly community where everyone should feel welcome, safe and comfortable to share ideas and engage in open discussion. It’s really important for us to provide a harassment-free experience for everyone at the conference inclusive of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, nationality or religion.

All delegates, speakers, sponsors and staff are required to abide by our code of conduct in-person at JSTalks Bulgaria or any other Bulgarian Software Community Association conferences and meetups, and online. Any violations will be dealt with seriously and may include being expelled and banned from events or online spaces without a refund. This is to protect the safety of our community.


What do we mean by “harassment”? Harassment includes but isn’t limited to:

We prioritise the safety of marginalised people over privileged people’s comfort. This means we reserve the right not to act on complaints regarding:


Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to stop immediately.

Participants engaging in harassing behaviour may be asked to leave an event or online space and may be banned temporarily or indefinitely. If a ticket was purchased for an in-person or online event, we reserve the right not to issue a refund.

If harassment occurs outside an event or online space organised by Bulgarian Software Community Association that may impact the safety of our community, we reserve the right to investigate and take appropriate action, for instance banning from future events.


If you are being harassed or made to feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible. You can help us by reporting any behaviour you think might go against the Code of Conduct.

Reporting & enforcement process

Important local contacts

We'll update this section shortly.


Our updated Code of Conduct was based on resources from Geek Feminism and the XOXO Community Code of Conduct.
